If you decide to go to Italymid-August be ready to celebrate! One of the long-awaited days in the Italian Summer is the 15th of August, better known as Ferragosto.

It’s origin dates back to the Roman empire. It is a holiday established by the emperor Augustus in 18 BC. He wanted to provide a period of rest and celebrations after a long period of agricultural labor.

Now it’s about traditions, meeting with family and friends. Of course, being in Italy food plays an extremely important part of the celebration along with bonding and creating lasting memories. It is a day that people wait with enthusiasm.

If you find yourself in Sardinia, you must be prepared because wherever you are there will be loads of fun and interesting things to do and what a better way to celebrate this festivity on top of a boat.

This is definitely one of the best beach clubs in the Emerald Coast, located only 15 minutes from Porto Cervo. Here you can enjoy the beach experience during the day, the unique restaurant in the evening and the club during the night. It is also known for one of the best spots where to see the sunset. On the day of Ferragosto, they organize the best parties with great international DJs. It’s definitely a must if you find yourself cruising in the north of Sardinia at this time of the year. Perfect for both young and ….. people!

It is one of the most famous beaches in North Sardinia. Long 1km, it accommodates many different beach clubs and restaurants. You will be spoilt of choice. One of the main traditions during the 15th of August is to get together around a table and have a tasty Italian meal.

Considering this amazing location, a good suggestion would be Linguini Allo Scoglio, shrimps or salmon tartar. Liscia Ruja is definitely the perfect place where to go and spend your day with family and friends.

Another tradition of Ferragosto that is not to be missed is the amazing firework shows that many promoters organise during this day. It is a moment to gather together and relax in front of this mix of colours that explode in a dark blue Mediterranean sky.
What a better way than watching the fireworks from a boat.