The age-old question which we as yacht brokers are asked on an almost daily basis.
When chartering in the Mediterranean, you must hold a sailing certification (and in some cases like Croatia, a VHF license). Almost all of the charter companies will not necessarily ask you for a sailing resume, but they will definitely ask you what license you carry.
If you have chartered around the Bahamas or Caribbean, you will know that you only need a sailing resume to charter, but this is not the case in the Mediterranean countries such as Greece, Italy, Croatia, French Riviera and so on.
So what license do I need?

Ultimately, port authorities in the Meditterenian need to see “Sailing license” written on your certification, any others like the USCG, or “Bareboat certification” that are sometimes issued by Flotillas will not be allowed. The best and foolproof certification you can get is the ICC or the SLC. These licenses are internationally recognised and can guarantee that you will be able to charter.
How can I get an ICC license?
To get an ICC, you must complete an ICC application form (LINK HERE) You can download the application form, from the website above or request a copy from the RYA Certification Department. You can get an ICC if you have done one of the below:

If you haven’t done any RYA licenses, don’t worry. You will just have to do a short assessment with an Approved Training Center.

What is the SLC’
The International Sailing License and Credentials (SLC) is a recreational sailing license valid for all yacht charter companies worldwide – you guessed it including Europe and the Seychelles!! To obtain an SLC, the candidate must already hold a national government boating license examples to follow:
- National Coast Guard License (USCG)
- RYA Day Skipper
- NASBLA State Boater License for the USA
- PCOC for Canada
Holding a government license means the holder already meets the technical legal requirement that many hosting countries require.
You will have to pass an online suite of theoretical knowledge courses and tests appropriate for bareboat chartering, log previous sufficient sailing experience and demonstrate sailing skills according to internationally established sailing standards.
If you have any queries with your license, please do not hesitate to check with us here!