The summer sailing season is in full swing and while for many charterers that means heading to the Mediterrean for blue skies and turquoise waters, there are those among the Boatbookings team that like to brave the chillier waters of the United Kingdom.
Once a year on the East Kent Coast the annual Swale Smack and Sailing Barge Race takes place in the River Swale. Run by the Kentish Sail Association each race draws together perhaps the biggest fleet of historic vessels that can be seen at any one time anywhere in the county.
This year saw a particularly early start to the race with the first boats setting off at 6:00 am. Cries of “don’t worry, we’ll be home and on the gin by 11” proved false as a particularly light and fluky wind saw to it that it was one of the longer races we have had for several years. After drifting round the first two marks, the wind began to pick up for the homeward journey and the competition really began. Leading our class we were cruising nicely towards some silverware when a halyard snapped and down came the topsail. One sail change later (we like to think executed as smartly as aboard a JCLASS but probably not), we were speeding along again and over the finish line well ahead of our competition. Prize giving and celebratory drinks lasted well into the night because in the end, isn’t that what we all go to sea for?
The Boatbookings Team cater for all of your yachting wishes and requirements, from sailing regattas to super yachts. Our team provide hands on experience, expertise and unrivalled knowledge in all areas, ensuring that your charter is as memorable as possible.