Yacht Charter Trends for 2012

Happy New Year to our Readers!

As a new year arrives, we’re often asked about what we see for the upcoming charter seasons. Having been at numerous shows (many of them chronicled here), seen hundreds of charter yachts, and spoken to Captains, Crew and Owners – here are some of the trends we see for 2012.

Wellness: Whereas once it was a novelty to have exercise equipment or a massage table on a yacht, we’re now seeing yachts that rival even the best land-based Spas. Wet and dry saunas, masseuses and wellness crew members, aroma therapy, manicures/pedicures and yoga classes are all common now on many of the top yachts.

We think this makes great sense, of course!  It’s hard to imagine a better environment to focus on wellness than the serene atmosphere of a yacht anchored in a quiet, beautiful, secluded bay.  Click here to see a selection of our yachts that emphasize Wellness Chartering.

Green Chartering: Environmental awareness has become a big issue in the charter business. Using Water Makers instead of bottled water, avoiding plastics wherever possible, sailing instead of motoring and buying carbon credits are all trends. CYBA, The Charter Yacht Brokers Association has denoted 2012 as the “Going Green to Save the Blue” year, with emphasis on reducing bottled water consumption on charters.  They’ve sponsored taste testings with desalinated water to show that its taste is virtually indistinguishable from regular water.  For further details, we’ve created a new page dedicated to Green Yacht Chartering.

Exotic Locations: More and more yachts are circling the world, and offering charters in locactions such as Vanuatu, Tahiti and SE Asia. This is often at the owner’s desire, but when the yachts are in the regions, they are normally available for charter as well. We’ve heard from several captains that Vanuatu offers the best diving and most amazing marine life anywhere!

Focus on Service: The customer is king in 2012 – yachts are doing whatever they can to make the charters a great experience. Extra attention is being paid to all parts of the charter experience, from cuisine to onboard amenities to water toys. You can expect service with a smile in 2012 on any crewed yacht charter you’re interested in!

About Tom Virden

Founder, Boatbookings.com

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