Building Your Sailing Resumé for Bareboat Chartering

When you are chartering a bareboat sailing yacht, you need to establish your credentials in order to take possession of the boat. It makes sense; quality sailboats cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and the owners need to know that you have the qualifications to operate them properly.
To make chartering a bareboat easier, we highly recommend that you create and keep current a sailing resumé. This is very similar to a resumé you would use to find a job, but for sailing!
Here is what to include on your resumé:
- Each sailing experience. This will be a list or table of boat length and type (monohull or catamaran), whether you were master or crew on the boat and the date of the experience. You can also list any powerboat experience in a similar table/list.
- Sailing licenses and certifications
- All charters you have been on. Even if you were not the skipper, list all of the charter boats you have been on. Include the place, type of boat and what operational roles you played. This can include the number of times anchoring, mooring ball hook-ups, night sailing, etc.
- All professional sailing training and courses. A list or table of the number of days, sizes of vessel, and level of instruction such as basic introduction, skippering training, bareboat charter training, off-shore training, theory courses.
- Boats that you have owned. This should include the type and make of the boat, and how long you owned them.
Qualifications required to charter a bareboat sailing yacht vary worldwide. In most places, an adequate resumé is all that you will need. However, in some places, especially Europe, you will need a sailing certification/license. Check with your Boatbooking broker to determine if you meet the necessary qualifications before you finalize your charter. A good rule of thumb is you will need about 50 days of sailing experience where you were the skipper for at least half of that time on a boat longer than 28 feet.
If you keep the file current on a Google Doc or Word Document, you and easily print a PDF and email it to us or upload it in our secure documents section.
Please contact us if you have any questions about your qualifications - we'd love to get you on the perfect boat and want to make sure you don't have any problems! Note, you can always add a skipper to your boat if you don't have the full qualifications.
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